Friday, December 24, 2010


Enabling TUN DEVICE/ OPENVPN on your server (on Virtual Private Server).

For enabling TUN Device or Open VPN you need to access your hardware node. If you have the Hardware access please do the following steps.

[root@ajeesh ~]# modprobe tun
[root@ajeesh ~]# veid=99999[enter your VEID no]
[root@ajeesh ~]# /usr/sbin/vzctl set $veid --devices c:10:200:rw --save
Setting devices
Saved parameters for VE 99999
[root@ajeesh ~]# /usr/sbin/vzctl exec $veid mkdir -p /dev/net
[root@ajeesh ~]# /usr/sbin/vzctl exec $veid mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
mknod: `/dev/net/tun': File exists
[root@ajeesh ~]# /usr/sbin/vzctl exec $veid chmod 600 /dev/net/tun

Thanks you comments are valuable to me ....

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