Tuesday, July 19, 2011


CloudLinux Installation in cpanel server With CentOS
wget http://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cpanel2cl
screen -S CL
sh cpanel2cl -k [activation_key]
Check /etc/grub.conf kernel has come or not
shutdown -r -f now -> -r for reboot and -f for fast rboot
recompile Apache with MPM-Worker

Configuration File

After editing this configuration file you need to restart the lve service
/etc/init.d/lvectl reload

1. Useful commands.

A. Scripts for assingin the default memory settings to all the accounts in the cpanel server
for i in `ls /var/cpanel/users|xargs -n1 id -u`; do lvectl set $i; done

B. To enable memory limits
lvectl ubc enable --save

C. Monitoring Commands
lvetop , cat /proc/lve/list , lveinfo -d -l500

1. 503 error / LVE enter -7 in apache error log

lveinfo --period=1d --by-fault=mep --display-username

2. Cannot allocate memory : Could not create child process
Check it out whether the particular user exceeds the memory limit.

I have faced an issue with the installation in one server and which was fixed by creating a simlink

 /etc/grub.conf -> ../boot/grub/grub.conf

3. No display for   lveinfo

    [~]# lveinfo -d --period=1d -o total_mem_faults
    Error while reading lve_version from database

 Solution :
     service lvestats stop
    mv /var/lve/lveinfo.db /var/lve/lveinfo.db.back
    service lvestats start