Sunday, August 26, 2012

3ware RAID monitoring tool

Diagram of RAID 4 storageDiagram of RAID 4 storage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are using a 3ware RAID hardware for your Hardware RAID , you can monitor your 3ware RAID in web panel. I have followed the following steps to install this on my server.

cd /usr/local/src
Also we can get all the RAID hardware from this link :* 
 chmod +x
 ./ -i
  /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 888 -j ACCEPT
 service iptables save
 service iptables restart
After this you can login to your RAID web panel using user : administrator 
and password as "3ware"
Where ywe can configure email settings > "3DM2 Settings" button 
Next we need to change the default password for administrator and user 

Enhanced by Zemanta

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Linux Commands:-

#compgen -c  => list all commands in linux
#lsblk , lsblk -f  => list block with file system

# lsb_release  , lsb_release -a  => os version , name etc..
1. To view the content of a tar file
#tar -tvf /path/to/file.tar
2. To view the content of rpm file.
#rpm -qlp /path/to/file.rpm

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Find hosted domains not resolving to your cpanel server.

We can use a cpanel plugin to find out domains hosted on your server but it resolves to another IPs which is not related to your server.

cd /home
rm -f latest-accountdnscheck
sh latest-accountdnscheck

You can find our all domains resolving to your server and not resolving to your server by login to WHM > Plugins > Account DNS Check

Also you can get the details by executing this command.
# /var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/scripts/