Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Installing GlobalSign OneClickSSL cPanel pugin

For installing oneclickssl please do the following steps on your cpanel server.

/scripts/perlinstaller CGI::Session
/scripts/perlinstaller Time::Local
/scripts/perlinstaller MIME::Base64
/scripts/perlinstaller WWW::Mechanize
/scripts/perlinstaller File::Touch
/scripts/perlinstaller HTTP::Headers::Util
/scripts/perlinstaller Config::Crontab
/scripts/perlinstaller Mozilla::CA
/scripts/perlinstaller YAML::Syck
/scripts/perlinstaller XML::Simple
/scripts/perlinstaller Date::Simple
/scripts/perlinstaller JSON
/scripts/perlinstaller LWP::UserAgent
/scripts/perlinstaller HTTP::Request::Common
/scripts/perlinstaller HTTP::Headers::Util
/scripts/perlinstaller WWW::FieldValidator
/scripts/perlinstaller Digest::MD5
/scripts/perlinstaller Template is
/scripts/perlinstaller IO::Handle
/scripts/perlinstaller IPC::Open3

 /scripts/perlinstaller SOAP::Lite
sometime you can not install this using this scripts

it will strucked like this Press to see the detailed list. 

root@server [/usr/local/src]# 

So you can try this one
perl -MCPAN -e 'install SOAP::Lite'

 PAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok (v6.04)
Fetching with LWP:

 So i have gone for a manual installation as like below.

 root@server [/usr/local/src]# wget
root@server [/usr/local/src]# tar zxf SOAP-Lite-0.65_3.tar.gz
[/usr/local/src/SOAP-Lite-0.65_3]# perl Makefile.PL
]# make
make test
make install

cd /usr/local/src/

chmod +x cpanel-plugin-2.6.sea

latest cpanel plugin for oneclick ssl is
There was an error. Please contact GlobalSign support. Error: System Error (The 'Temporary' certificate necessary to allow the OneClickSSL process to be completed cannot be aquired from the target domain). Please retry and if the issue persists then contact support with detailed information concerning the issue.

Try reinstall with the latest globalSign plugin and disabling csf, then check your domain is resolving to the correct server.

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